Friday, February 15, 2008

Rev up your engines.....

The Daytona 500 is this weekend. For the past 50 years thousands upon thousands of people converge into Daytona to watch this the top 5 things you would rather be doing....

- Watching grass grow
- Clean the lint out of all major appliances in my home
- Make sock puppets
- Can pickles, plums or anything else that fits in a Bell jar
- Grout my tub

  • Travel with 16-year-olds
  • Pick up dog poop in the yard
  • Have a pelvic exam
  • Go 3 months without a root touch-up
  • Wear a tube top

Squacks and hisses, MPMama


  1. do any craft project
  2. scrapbooking
  3. shop for a swimsuit - WAIT - I'd rather go to the Daytona 500
  4. clean the litter box
  5. go to lunch with George Bush - WAIT - See you in Daytona!

My squackin' is done here - xotstoneannie


1 comment:

Jules said...

Kudos to all...LOL